Saturday, November 23, 2019

American Romanticism Literature quiz Essays

American Romanticism Literature quiz Essays American Romanticism Literature quiz Paper American Romanticism Literature quiz Paper Essay Topic: Literature American Renaissance Five year burst of creative energy from 1850-1855 America gained literary independence from Great Britain What happened in American Literature between 1820-1865 1820-1865 What years did the Era of Optimism last? Confidence in the economy, political system, and citizenry of the nation; population of European immigrants rapidly expanded; technological advances such as the Erie Canal, railroad, farming equipment, the revolver, the telegraph, and oil drilling What conditions fueled national optimism? Sectionalism and cultural provincialism What are 2 issues that undermined national optimism? National division between the North and the South; compromises proved to be only temporary solutions; political independence (States Rights) and slavery; civil war What are some causes of sectionalism? Absence of international copyright law; limited perspective and expectation of many American readers; two schools of thought on the issue of a national literature (strikingly American and universality in theme and form) What are some reasons for cultural provincialism? Revolt against the literary values of the previous age; individualism; imagination; emotion displaced reason; nature; the distant What were some romantic emphases in literary romanticism? Individualism What means man as an individual is superior to man in the mass; all men possess the necessary credentials for public office; man is not a fallen creature, just corrupted by corrupting influences in society?

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